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Receiving Deliveries
Updated over 3 years ago

With PDI CStore Essentials you can receive deliveries from the back office computer, from our mobile app, or using an android based scanner. When entering deliveries from the back office computer, you have the option of uploading your  EDI file or manually enter in the items and quantity.

Uploading EDI file in PDI CStore Essentials

  1. Download the EDI file you received from your vendor onto a directory on your computer.

  2. Login to your PDI CStore Essentials account

  3. Click on Grocery -> Purchases -> Invoices (Note: you can get to the same screen by also going to Pricebook -> Purchases -> Invoices)

  4. Find the invoice you want to upload EDI for and click on the funnel icon to retail the invoice.

  5. Drag and drop the EDI file or click on Upload EDI File to upload the file.

  6. Update the EDI file format by clicking on the select EDI file format text (if you have not already setup the EDI file format for this vendor)

  7. If there are new items in this file, a window will pop up asking you to select the departments, tax types, and other related pricebook information. (Note: only new items will show up in this grid, existing items will not show up here and will show up once you can assigned proper values to the new items).

  8. Once you have updated the new items list click on Retail Item botton on the bottom or top of the page. (IMPORTANT NOTE: PDI CStore Essentials does not allow you to send an item with a $0.00 as its retail. Change the value to be greater than or equal to the cost before submitting).

  9. Once you click on the Retail item button and there are no pending new items, the system will import the items into your database and show you your retailed items.

  10. From this screen you can filter by new items, cost change, etc and find out if there are any cost changes.

  11. Once done importing EDI file and retailing your invoice click on Finish retailing button to exit out.

Manually entering items purchased for an invoice

  1. Login to your PDI CStore Essentials account

  2. Click on Grocery -> Purchases -> Invoices (Note: you can get to the same screen by also going to Pricebook -> Purchases -> Invoices)

  3. Scan the item or manually enter the vendor bar code, vendor item ID, or item name and select the item. (Note if the item does not exist for this vendor, click on the "+" button to add an item for this vendor)

  4. Enter the purchase quantity and click on Retail item (NOTE: if its a return item, you can enter negative numbers in the quantity field. Moreover, if its a fraction of the purchase being returned (i.e. 1 2-liter bottom from a case of 12) you can enter in in "-1/12" )

Using your mobile app/Android scanner to receive deliveries

Note: you will need  owner level access or Receive deliver on mobile app access for your user account for this feature.

  1. Login to your PDI CStore Essentials mobile app

  2. Click on the menu icon on the top left corner

  3. Click on Scan Deliveries -> Manage Purchases

  4. If the invoice has already been created in the back office, find the invoice and select it, if not add a new invoice by clicking on Add new delivery button and add the invoice.

  5. Click on the camera icon to launch the phone’s camera scanner.

  6. Scan a picture of the bar code of the sellable item you are receiving a delivery for

  7. Enter the cases being received for this purchase in the quantity field and click on Add item (Note: if its a return item, click on the returned item check box. Also if the item is new for this vendor or new to the store you may have to specify purchase values (i.e. retail, cost, department, tax type, etc)).

  8. Repeat steps 5-7 for all items in this deliver

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