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Entering Gas Payments
Written by Roman c Arguello
Updated over a week ago

In order to properly manage your businesses assets and liabilities,its important that all fuel invoices are paid on a regular bases. The method on how your fuel invoices are paid depend on if you are a branded (i.e. shell, chevron, BP, Texaco, etc), unbranded store or agent gas.

Gas Payments for Ownership Gas

Branded Stores

For branded stores, typically the jobber collects all the credit card batches on your behalf and settles them against the fuel invoices. Simply put, when your notice of draft comes in from the jobber, they will tell you that you owe them X amount for fuel invoices, they owe you Y amount for credit card batches (minus fees) and thus will deposit/debit Z amount from your account.

If you have a branded store, follow these steps to make your fuel invoice payments:

Step 1: Log into CStore Essentials, go to Gas>Payments, click on the “+” or “Add New” to make a payment.

Step 2: On the Pay Gas Invoice window, select the Payment date. Click on the edit button next to the Invoice. This will take you to the Unpaid Invoices screen; select the invoice you want to pay for.

Step 3: Next click on the edit button on Credit Cards, this will take you to the Credit Card Batches screen, and select the batches that are applied to that Invoice..

Step 4: Enter “Credit card fee Adjustment”, total the batch fee for each Credit Card Batches selected and enter it here.

Note: If you are updating batch fee under tender types, then there is no need to enter the credit card fee.

Step 5: Enter your Cash Card Credits and Cash card Commissions, other charges and Memo.

Note: Cash Card Credits and Cash Card Commission are optional.

Step 6: On “Fuel expenses” or “Fuel Expense via Jobber” Click on the drop down menu to select an expense account. If the expense account is not listed click on the “+” to add a new expense account.

Note: Fuel Expense is an expense that is incurred on your Gas Payment for each delivery you receive. A good example of Fuel Expense would be service charge for network maintenance.

Fuel Expense via Jobber (Non Fuel Expense) is an expense incurred on your Store. These expenses can be POS rental, Credit Card Machine Rental or any equipment rental.

Step 7: Click on Make Payment. A positive net payment is how much you owe the jobber, negative is how much the jobber owes you.

Once you have made the payment you can always look at the payment history for this invoice. To do this simply click on the details icon next to the payment you want to view the history for. This will give you the payment details as far as which batches are included in the payment and which credit card credits are received as well as the other charges and incomes in this invoice.

Unbranded Stores

For Unbranded stores, you simply pay the jobber for the fuel invoice just like any other vendor. To make a fuel invoice payment follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Log into CStore Essentials, go to Gas>Payments, click on the “+” or “Add New” to make a payment.

Step 2: On the Pay Gas Invoice window, select the Payment date. Click on the edit button next to the Invoice. This will take you to the Unpaid Invoices screen; select the invoice you want to pay.

Step 3: On “Fuel expenses” or “Fuel Expense via Jobber” Click on the drop down menu to select expense account. If the expense account is not listed click on the “+” to add a new expense account.

Note: Fuel Expense is an expense that is incurred on your Gas Payment for each delivery you receive. A good example of Fuel Expense would be service charge for network maintenance.

Fuel Expense via Jobber (Non Fuel Expense) is an expense incurred on your Store. These expenses can be POS rental, Credit Card Machine Rental or any equipment rental.

Step 4: Click on Make Payment.

Gas Payments for Agent Gas

For Agent owned, the gas payment function is used to track daily amount owed to the jobber. We simply pay the jobber for the daily sales in fuel subtracting the credit card.. To make a fuel payment follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Log into CStore Essentials, go to Gas>Payments, click on the “+” or “Add New” to make a payment.

Step 2: On the Pay Gas Invoice window, select the Payment date. Click on the edit button next to the Delivery Invoice. This will take you to the Unpaid Invoices screen; select the fuel sales you want to pay for.

Step 3: Next click on the edit button on Credit Cards, this will take you to the Credit Card Batches screen, and select the batches that are applied to that days sale.

Step 4: Enter your Cash Card Credits and Cash card Commissions, other charges and Memo.

Note: Cash Card Credits and Cash Card Commission are optional.

Step 5: On “Fuel expenses” or “Fuel Expense via Jobber” Click on the drop down menu to select expense account. If the expense account is not listed click on the “+” to add a new expense account.

Note: Fuel Expense is an expense that is incurred on your Gas Payment for each delivery you receive. A good example of Fuel Expense would be service charge for network maintenance.

Fuel Expense via Jobber (Non Fuel Expense) is an expense incurred on your Store. These expenses can be POS rental, Credit Card Machine Rental or any equipment rental.

Step 6: Click on Make Payment.

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