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Enter Lottery Daily Readings
Updated over 4 years ago

When managing lottery tickets, each store has their employee manually entering the slot opening and closing numbers on excel or a piece of paper to determine the actual sales based off of inventory. With PDI CStore Essentials, you can achieve the same thing with more accuracy and faster time. To do this follow the steps below.

Note: In order to take daily readings, you must first confirm and activate the games or update the lottery settings to auto confirm and auto activate. Also, the tickets in the slot need to be increasing in value (i.e. first ticket sold should be a value of 1, than 2, 3, 4, etc)

Manual entry in PDI CStore Essentials

Note: in order to enter tickets manually with ease, you must activate the games and assign the right slot number.

  1. Login to PDI CStore Essentials account on and go to Lottery/Lotto -> Day/Shift Closing

  2. Click on Enter day report if this is the first time you are doing day readings or the "+" button on the top right of the calendar to enter new day. [?]

  3. Click on the Enter by slot number button and a new window will appear. [?]

  4. Enter the closing ticket value for each slot. If the ticket is sold out or taken back by the gaming commission, click on button "Mark if sold out" [?]

  5. Once done click on Save Changes to save the reading and return to the reading screen.

  6. Click on Finish daily sales button to finish the day.
    ​ Note: if you have not entered reading for all the tickets, the system will not let you finish the day.

Scanning via USB bar code scanner in PDI CStore Essentials

 Note: in order to enter tickets manually with ease, you must activate the games and assign the right slot number.

  1. Login to PDI CStore Essentials account on and go to Lottery/Lotto -> Day/Shift Closing

  2. Click on Enter day report if this is the first time you are doing day readings or the "+" button on the top right of the calendar to enter new day.[?]

  3. Scan the last ticket in each slot to capture the closing value and calculate the sales amount for each slot. [?]

  4. Repeat step 3 for each slot.

  5. Review the list below to make sure values have been entered for all the games that are active. If the game as been sold out, click on the sold out button. (Some common reasons for not having values could be because the slot was skipped, the pack was sold out, or the pack was taken back by the gaming commission)

  6. Click on Finish daily sales button to finish the day.
    ​ Note: if you have not entered reading for all the tickets, the system will not let you finish the day.

Using PDI CStore Essentials Mobile App

In order to scan lottery from the mobile app, the user will need owner or lottery access on the mobile app. To give access login to your PDI CStore Essentials account, click on Manage Account -> Users, find the user and click on the details icon to give the appropriate access.

  1. Log into your PDI CStore Essentials Mobile app

  2. Click on the menu icon on the top left

  3. Select Lottery/Scratch-Off -> Daily closing readings. [?]

  4. Select the reading date you want to update. [?]

  5. Using the camera on your mobile app, scan the long code on the lottery ticket to capture the closing ticket number for each slot. [?]

  6. Repeat step 5 for the games in each slot.

  7. Review the list below to make sure values have been entered for all the games that are active. If the game as been sold out, click on the sold out button. (Some common reasons for not having values could be because the slot was skipped, the pack was sold out, or the pack was taken back by the gaming commission)

  8. Repeat step 4 to confirm more games. Once done, simply exit from the screen.

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