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Installation for NCR Radiant Lab
Updated over 3 years ago

NCR Key information

· Radiants with a Prior Back Office- Customers Will need to work with Radiant help Desk to Delete both Departments and Pricebook from Register as we are not able to replace or make changes on Register

· Radiants with no Prior Back Office- Customers will need to work with Radiant helpdesk to Delete Pricebook from Register. Current Departments on the Register well be available to use.

· Radiant Installations: Estimate time of installations, could take up 2hrs, but may exceed timeframe if settings are not completed or Incorrect. * Due to no Departments or price book on the Register prior to installation, NCR well be down until installation is Complete.

· Pricebook: Since we are not able to extract Pricebook from NCR Radiant, once installation is Complete you will need to Scan store or use Common item to rebuild Pricebook.

NCR Radiant Pre installation Check list.

· External Ids: Please have Department name and External ID created for new/Existing Departments.

· Gas Grades: please have Externa IDs with Correct Gas Grades

· Tax ID: please have Tax info with Correct External IDs(Default IDs well not work)

· Tenders: Please have Radiant helpdesk help create and provide External IDs

· Configuration Report: Please have Radiant helpdesk, save Report on Desktop. Helpdesk would also be able to email details with Departments, Gas and Tax external ID. * Note Tender External would need to be given separate as it will not be provided in Configuration Report.

NCR Lab Setup Instructions

Your lab was delivered with a Cisco VPN router, so that you can connect your lab to the network with minimal changes. This should have already been setup by your technician.

Make sure to already have access to your NCR drive. It should look something like this with the provided IP that they will give to you.

Once you have access to the NCR drive you will need to make sure you have access to the NAXMLExportFiles and NAXMLImportFiles folders as shown. Once verified you will map each individual drive to the network by right clicking on each folder and clicking Map Network Drive.

Setting up Departments for NCR system

In order to get department’s on PDI CStore Essentials setup you will need to log into your NCR register and follow these steps in order to verify the department name and ID.

Log into your register and select the Configuration folder.

You will then select the folder labeled Merchandise

Once selected you select Category Management and you will see a list pop up with your departments on the right side.

Once you locate your departments, click on each individual department and you will notice a separate screen on the right pop up. From there you will see the Category Name and the External ID. The Category Name is the Name you will be using to add into PDICstoreEssentials and the External ID will be the ID used for the department.

Setting up Tax Id for NCR

To retrieve the Tax Name, percentage, and ID just scroll down from the current Category Management option and select Tax and Tax Setup. From here you can retrieve the Tax name and the Tax percentage. Double click on the Tax in order to retrieve the Tax ID for PDICstoreEssentials.

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