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Creating a Promotion

In this article, you will learn how to create a promotion in your price book.

Aravind Suresh avatar
Written by Aravind Suresh
Updated over a week ago

Adding Promotions

Step 1: Price Book > Promotion. Then Click on “+” or “Add New” to start a Promotion. 

Step 2: Enter Promotion Name, Discount (Promotion) type and Enter Discount value and click next. 

Note: Discount types are as follow.

Total Price After Discount: Discount value should be total retail price of the promotion (i.e. if promo is 2 for 3 dollars, enter 3.00 without the $ sign).

Percent (%) Off Total Price: Discount value should be the percent off total retail price of the promotion. (i.e. if promo is 20% percent off, enter 20 without the % sign).

Amount ($) Off the Total Price: Discount value should be the amount off total retail price of the promotion. (i.e. if promo is 0.50 cents off, enter 0.50 without the $ sign).

Step 3: Create a New Promo list or Use the Existing Promo List.

Note: For new list, we can search items by price dept, scan code, name or Price group. If adding items, select add all or select items one by one to add the items to the promo list.

Step 4: Enter the “Promotion start date” and “Promotion end date”, set the “Number of item” and click Finish.

Note: “Number of Item” is the quantity the customer needs to buy to get the promotion (i.e. if promo is 2 for 3 dollars, enter 2 as the quantity)

Step 5: Go to Price book > Send to POS and click on “Send Promotion”. 

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