*Only for Old Ruby SuperSystem
From your Ruby Console, check if you are using GemCom or RubyLink ?:
• Press Exit until [SALES]
shows on the screen
• Arrow [Ticket Print/Right Arrow] over to [MAINTENANCE]
• Press ENTER, enter ID and Password (Default is 1 and 123)
• Press ENTER and you should see 1. VERSION INFORMATION
• Arrow [Ticket Print/Right Arrow] over to 12. FILE INFORMATION
• Press ENTER and press Arrow key [Ticket Print/Right Arrow] until you see gcomm.ldm
• Look for the file size on the right, if it is around 180K, you are using Ruby Link. If the file size is around 192.5K, you are using GemCom.
• If you are using the CITGO’s software i.e. CITPAK, you will see “Ruby Link” or “GemCom”.
• If it is Set to Ruby Link, Call Verifone Help Desk: 1-800-837-4366 inorder to Change and Set it to GemCom.