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Map Vendor and Expense Payouts
Map Vendor and Expense Payouts

Mapping Vendor and Expense Payouts will help to auto upload Amount into Daily Report for Cash Purchases and Cash Expenses

Updated over 2 years ago

To add a Vendor/Expense Payout account in CStorePro follow the steps below:

Step 1: Log into your CStorePro account and go to POS Data -> Settings

Step 2: Click on the Income/Expense tab

Step 3: Click on the "+" icon on the top

Step 4: Enter the income/expense ID, day report mapping, and register name for the ID.

Note: By doing these steps, CStorePro will not add income/expense account to your register, you will still need to go into your POS system and add them there as well. See the steps below and learn how to add the departments.

For Gilbarco Passport Systems

Step 1: On your main Passport POS terminal go to Manager Workstation -> Setup -> Store -> Income/Expense accounts.

Step 2: Click on the Add button on the right side of the screen.

Step 3: Enter the account ID (any number as long as it is not taken by any previous accounts created). You will then type in the Description of the Account in this case we have labeled it as TEST. One done click on the Save button.

Note: if its money going out of the register mark it as "Expense" in the account type. If money is coming in to the register mark it as "Income".

For Verifone Systems

To setup Income/Expense in Ruby Sapphire we need to create a list of vendors and assign a reference Id(1-6 digits).

These reference ID’s are used to assign a Pay Out or Pay In the POS and used as Id in CstorePro.

So from example above when we do a Pay Out. On the POS we hit the Pay Out key, enter the amount, then the POS will ask for a reference number; refer to your list and enter that number for the account.

For Example:

Coke vendor comes into the store and we do a Pay Out,

Do one of the following:

1. Press Pay Out and hit [ENTER]

2. Enter the amount you are removing from the drawer and press [ENTER]

3. Enter the Reference ID (1-6 digits) as defined by your store procedures and press [ENTER]

If you are doing a Pay In for an income,

Do one of the following:

1. Press Pay In and hit [ENTER].

2. Touch [No] to "In-House Account? [Y/N]".

3. Touch the amount you are adding to the drawer and press [ENTER]

4. Enter Reference ID(1 - 6 digits) as defined by your store procedures and press [ENTER]

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