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Department Sales Report

Find Discount, Promotion, Refund by Department Sales Summary. Generate report by Date, by Month, by Type. Do Sales comparison

Updated over 3 years ago
Steps to find Department Sales Report. Generate report by Date, by Month and Merchandise Sales. Do Sales comparison

Department Sales Summary:

(Gross Sales - Discount - Promotion - Refund) = Net Sales

  1. Login into your CStore Essentials Account,

  2. Go To POS Data >

  3. Select Reports >

  4. Click Department Sales:

  5. Set required Report Date and Type (by Date, by Month & Department/Merchandise Sales Summary)

  6. Click on Run report

Sales Comparison:

  1. Login into your CStore Essentials Account,

  2. Go To POS Data >

  3. Select Reports >

  4. Click Sales Comparison:

  5. Set the required Date Range 1 and Date Range 2

  6. Click on Get report

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