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Item Sales Report

Find Report for Item Sales and Item Sales by Date.

Gaurav Shah avatar
Written by Gaurav Shah
Updated over a week ago
Item Sales Report

Item Sales:

To find Items Total Count #Sold and Amount $Sold,

1. Login into your CStore Essentials Account,

2. Go To POS Data >

3. Select Reports >

4. Click Item Sales:

5. Set the required Report Date / Department / Scan code ... and

6. Click on Run report

7. From Top-Right use Print or Excel options to Save report.

Item Sales by Date:

To find particular Item's Count #Sold and Amount $Sold by each day,

1. Login into your CStore Essentials Account,

2. Go To POS Data >

3. Select Reports >

4. Click Item Sales by Date:

5. Set the required Report Date & Scan code

6. Click on Run report

Note: *Item Sales Report under CStore Essentials usually recognizes only Items that are being Scanned on POS-Register, and with Valid UPC Barcode.

To understand valid UPC Barcode Refer below Help Center Article,

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